I needed to smog my new used car. So I go online to smogtips.com for coupons. At the first location I stopped at, there was a line. I waited and when my smog test began, they had trouble holding my idle. They said my car's electric throttle was too sensitive; which was true. They decided to give up and I took their coupon with me. I stopped at another Shell Station on El Camino, and it was too expensive ($68) and wouldn't offer me any discount. When I got to Palo Alto Shell, they said their smog was $67. I asked if he would accept a competitor's coupon and he said yes! So I was stoked but worried whether they could smog my car. They turned on all the electronics in my car to reduce the power/ sensitively to the throttle and I passed! They offer me a Discount Price, gave me advice and provided small talk, and most important, they SMOGGED my car! NO WAIT at 12:30PM during the work week. Awesome!