Posted on 6/14/2014

If the heat of summer is wearing you down, it is likely taking its toll on your car battery too. Contrary to popular belief, summer highs rather than winter lows pose the greater threat to battery life, according to Palo Alto Shell. Sooner or later all batteries have to be replaced. Excessive heat and overcharging are the two main reasons for shortened battery life. Heat causes battery fluid to evaporate, thus damaging the internal structure of the battery. A malfunctioning component in the charging system, usually the voltage regulator, allows too high a charging rate, leading to slow death for a battery. Most motorists think of dead batteries that cause starting failure, they think of severe winter weather, but summer heat is the real culprit. Many battery problems start long before the temperatures drop. Heat, more than cold, shortens battery life. Colder temperatures increase the thickness of the engine oil, making the engine harder to turn o ... read more
Posted on 5/17/2014

With fluctuating fuel prices soaring higher each day, we will do almost anything to save money on transportation especially when it comes to conserving fuel. However, traditional tips such as turning off the air conditioning and driving slowly are not the only ways to conserve gas mileage. In fact there are many simple, painless steps any vehicle owner can take to ensure their car is operating as efficiently as possible with minimal effort. Taking these steps to conserve gas mileage will not only save money, but also build healthy habits for your vehicle to ensure safety and maintain quality of the vehicle. Be conscientious of your tire pressure. Most vehicle owners underestimate the importance of properly inflated tires. When inflated properly, you can save nearly 4% on gas mileage. Under-inflated tires can cause a mileage loss of near .5% for every 1 psi drop in pressure for all four tires. Not only will this save fuel economy, but greatly improve the performance ... read more
Posted on 5/8/2014

You’ve been told your vehicle needs a tune up. But you may have read that newer cars no longer require a tune up. So what’s the deal? Cars no longer have any of the components left in them that were part of the traditional car tube up. Today’s advanced automobile technology requires meeting emissions standards put in place since at least 1996. And even though a tune up is not the same today as it was yesterday, many mechanics will still refer to a “tune-up” to let you know your vehicle is due for recommended services. So, what is a car tune up today? Fuel Injection Systems replaced carburetors—These systems use electronics to measure the fuel added to the intake. Electronic Ignition Systems replaced distributers and points. Coil/plug Ignition Systems replaced high voltage wires. This means that the high voltage is created at the spark plug. Spark Plugs are typically buried underneath the overhead cams which makes ... read more
Posted on 3/21/2014

There are some things on your vehicle that you should have confidence in and never worry about. Is everyone buckled up? Do I have a full tank of gas? Your vehicle should make you feel safe and secure, and keep you and your loved ones safe throughout your travel. It goes then, without much, saying that you also need to be confident in your brakes. This function is the one thing keeping you out of harm’s way in the event of an accident or road hazard. Think about it, you do not want to find out in the middle of a busy highway when everyone has slammed on their brakes that yours have not been properly maintained or are failing. Knowing that your brakes are in great condition will keep you safe, and prevent a leading cause for many accidents on the road. There are several checks that you can do on your brakes, but the best advice is to get your brakes checked frequently. Your mechanic can do this easily with every tire rotation or oil change. Your brakes should be insp ... read more
Posted on 3/13/2014

Soon spring will be in the air and with it comes pollen, dust and pollutants that are drawn inside vehicles through air conditioning and ventilation systems. Cabin air filters clean the incoming air, removing allergens, and should be replaced regularly. “A dirty or clogged cabin air filter can cause contaminants to become so concentrated in the cabin that passengers actually breathe in more fumes and particles when riding in the car than when walking down the street. With allergy season quickly approaching, replacing the cabin air filter is a simple way for you and your passengers to breathe easier while driving. A restricted cabin air filter can cause musty odors in the vehicle and impair airflow in the HVAC system, possibly causing interior heating and cooling problems. Over time, the heater and air conditioner may also become damaged by corrosion. In addition to trapping pollen, bacteria, dust and exhaust gases, the cabin air filter prevents ... read more
Posted on 3/7/2014

I think we’ve all faced this question at some point in our lives, usually following a stressful roadside breakdown or a costly repair estimate from another local Palo Alto auto repair shop. Once you get past the initial stress of the situation, you might begin to weigh your options, research new and used vehicles, or swear off driving all-together. When it’s all said and done, the decision typically comes down to one major factor…cost. What may surprise you is: In most cases it’s more cost effective to get your car repaired than buy a new car. This is especially true if your current vehicle is paid off. Sometimes people can forget to take into account that even if your initial downpayment on a new car is cheaper than the cost of your repairs, your new car also comes with a whole new set of payments – every month! Palo Alto Shell’s advice? If your car or truck still fits your needs, keep it. Don’t fo ... read more
Posted on 2/21/2014

The beginning of racing season is the perfect time of the year to “start your engine” and make sure your ignition system is working properly. Addressing problems that may lead to ignition system failure is essential for dependable vehicle operation so you won’t be left stranded at the starting line. Many systems on your car work together to keep you on the go, and the most important is the ignition system. Symptoms of ignition problems include dimming of headlights and interior lights, illuminated ‘Check Engine’ and/or battery lights and failure of accessories to operate. It’s a good idea to look into these symptoms immediately to prevent ignition failure from bringing your car to a complete stop. Driving habits such as frequent engine on/off cycles cause more wear on the starter than a simple trip back and forth to work. Other factors, including driving and weather conditions, mileage, vehicle age and excessive electrical draws like in-vehicle entertainme ... read more
Posted on 2/14/2014

Your car doesn’t want flowers, balloons or candy this Valentine’s Day – it just wants a little love in the form of an oil change, tune-up and basic service. A little extra care now can lead to happily ever after with your car for many years to come! If you want to add more years to the relationship between you and your car, give it some extra TLC this Valentine’s Day! There is no debating the value of preventive maintenance to keep your car running efficiently. By showing your car a little love now, you’ll avoid the heartbreak and unexpected expense of car trouble down the road. Palo Alto Shell recommends treating your vehicle to a little extra attention this Valentine’s Day and beyond with these easy steps. Schedule a tune-up annually to optimize your car’s performance. A well-tuned engine delivers the best balance of power and fuel economy, and produces the lowest level of emissions. Change the oil and filter per the owner’s man ... read more
Posted on 2/7/2014
With six more weeks of winter on the way, according to Punxsutawney Phil, you can’t predict if you’ll find yourself stranded like motorists recently were in Atlanta. It’s best to be ready for the unexpected and make sure your vehicle is performing reliably and properly equipped with an emergency kit. When unforeseen events occur, like severe weather or a major accident, your car could become your home for hours. By reviewing a quick checklist, you’ll be better prepared to handle unpredictable winter weather conditions that can leave you stranded. Before leaving the driveway this winter, the Car Care Council recommends you do the following: Be sure the heater and defroster are working properly. Stock an emergency kit with an ice scraper and snowbrush, jumper cables, flashlight, flares, candles and matches. Bring along blankets and extra clothes, bottled water, dry food snacks and essential medication. Check the t ... read more
Posted on 1/24/2014

Winter is pothole season and this year, they are packing a powerful punch. After hitting a pothole, most drivers wonder, “Is my car OK?” While the tires and wheels can be visually inspected, there could be damage to the steering, suspension and alignment systems that you just can’t see. To help determine if hitting a pothole has damaged your vehicle, watch for the following warning signs. Loss of control, swaying when making routine turns, bottoming out on city streets or bouncing excessively on rough roads. These are indicators that the steering and suspension may have been damaged. The steering and suspension are key safety-related systems. Together, they largely determine your car’s ride and handling. Key components are shocks and/or struts, the steering knuckle, ball joints, the steering rack/box, bearings, seals and hub units and tie rod ends. Pulling in one direction, instead of maintaining a straight path, and uneven tire wear. These symptoms mean t ... read more