Posted on 5/17/2014

With fluctuating fuel prices soaring higher each day, we will do almost anything to save money on transportation especially when it comes to conserving fuel. However, traditional tips such as turning off the air conditioning and driving slowly are not the only ways to conserve gas mileage. In fact there are many simple, painless steps any vehicle owner can take to ensure their car is operating as efficiently as possible with minimal effort. Taking these steps to conserve gas mileage will not only save money, but also build healthy habits for your vehicle to ensure safety and maintain quality of the vehicle. Be conscientious of your tire pressure. Most vehicle owners underestimate the importance of properly inflated tires. When inflated properly, you can save nearly 4% on gas mileage. Under-inflated tires can cause a mileage loss of near .5% for every 1 psi drop in pressure for all four tires. Not only will this save fuel economy, but greatly improve the performance ... read more
Posted on 5/8/2014

You’ve been told your vehicle needs a tune up. But you may have read that newer cars no longer require a tune up. So what’s the deal? Cars no longer have any of the components left in them that were part of the traditional car tube up. Today’s advanced automobile technology requires meeting emissions standards put in place since at least 1996. And even though a tune up is not the same today as it was yesterday, many mechanics will still refer to a “tune-up” to let you know your vehicle is due for recommended services. So, what is a car tune up today? Fuel Injection Systems replaced carburetors—These systems use electronics to measure the fuel added to the intake. Electronic Ignition Systems replaced distributers and points. Coil/plug Ignition Systems replaced high voltage wires. This means that the high voltage is created at the spark plug. Spark Plugs are typically buried underneath the overhead cams which makes ... read more