Posted on 2/21/2014

The beginning of racing season is the perfect time of the year to “start your engine” and make sure your ignition system is working properly. Addressing problems that may lead to ignition system failure is essential for dependable vehicle operation so you won’t be left stranded at the starting line. Many systems on your car work together to keep you on the go, and the most important is the ignition system. Symptoms of ignition problems include dimming of headlights and interior lights, illuminated ‘Check Engine’ and/or battery lights and failure of accessories to operate. It’s a good idea to look into these symptoms immediately to prevent ignition failure from bringing your car to a complete stop. Driving habits such as frequent engine on/off cycles cause more wear on the starter than a simple trip back and forth to work. Other factors, including driving and weather conditions, mileage, vehicle age and excessive electrical draws like in-vehicle entertainme ... read more
Posted on 2/14/2014

Your car doesn’t want flowers, balloons or candy this Valentine’s Day – it just wants a little love in the form of an oil change, tune-up and basic service. A little extra care now can lead to happily ever after with your car for many years to come! If you want to add more years to the relationship between you and your car, give it some extra TLC this Valentine’s Day! There is no debating the value of preventive maintenance to keep your car running efficiently. By showing your car a little love now, you’ll avoid the heartbreak and unexpected expense of car trouble down the road. Palo Alto Shell recommends treating your vehicle to a little extra attention this Valentine’s Day and beyond with these easy steps. Schedule a tune-up annually to optimize your car’s performance. A well-tuned engine delivers the best balance of power and fuel economy, and produces the lowest level of emissions. Change the oil and filter per the owner’s man ... read more
Posted on 2/7/2014
With six more weeks of winter on the way, according to Punxsutawney Phil, you can’t predict if you’ll find yourself stranded like motorists recently were in Atlanta. It’s best to be ready for the unexpected and make sure your vehicle is performing reliably and properly equipped with an emergency kit. When unforeseen events occur, like severe weather or a major accident, your car could become your home for hours. By reviewing a quick checklist, you’ll be better prepared to handle unpredictable winter weather conditions that can leave you stranded. Before leaving the driveway this winter, the Car Care Council recommends you do the following: Be sure the heater and defroster are working properly. Stock an emergency kit with an ice scraper and snowbrush, jumper cables, flashlight, flares, candles and matches. Bring along blankets and extra clothes, bottled water, dry food snacks and essential medication. Check the t ... read more